Prayer and resources
Here are some prayers and resources.
If you find any good websites or resources, please do let the parish office know and we can share the with others!
If you find any good websites or resources, please do let the parish office know and we can share the with others!
Prayer for a Spiritual Communion
My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love You above all things and I passionately desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to You now and forever. Amen. based on a prayer of St Alphonsus Liguori |
Other prayers and resources
This is a great online resource which has the current week's readings for Holy Mass. It also has The Prayer of the Church (Morning and Evening prayer) for each day of the current week too. |
Lectio Divina
Reading the Bible slowly and carefully is a wonderful way to make moments for God to speak to us. The Catholic Herald has made their publication Magnificat free for the coming weeks. Here you can read the readings which will be read each day during Holy Mass. It also includes daily reflections and various other prayers for during the day. |
The Wednesday Word
A weekly downloadable sheet with the Scripture Readings for the coming Sunday. It also includes a reflections on the readings to help you to pray with the Scriptures. |
The Wednesday Word for Children
Children usually receive The Wednesday Word worksheets in school. But the publishers of The Wednesday Word are currently making these available to download online. Visit their website! |
Children's Liturgy
The CAFOD website has some great Children's Liturgy resources available. They also run a 'virtual children's Liturgy' on a Sunday morning. Well worth a visit! |
YOUCAT for kids
Inspiring and easy to understand, YOUCAT for Kids is an introduction to the teachings of the Catholic Church for children (8-12 years). |
Prayer in time of PandemicThe Liturgy Office for England and Wales has produced a sheet with prayers for those who are self-isolating, for those working in the NHS or medical profession and for all those who are suffering.
LivestreamHoly Mass is live-streamed from St Christopher's. Please follow this link to the page dedicated to this service.
Other resourcesThe Archdiocese of Birmingham is developing a page filled with resources and prayers for during this time. It is well worth a visit!