These consoling words by St Padre Pio are worth reflecting upon in the days of the second national lockdown. There is much that can worry us during these days of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and being unable to attend Holy Mass can cause us further anxiety. But be assured that the Lord is with us, even in the midst of these difficult moments.
Being faithful to prayer - or even developing a life of prayer - can be a source of great peace in these uncertain times. Prayer opens our hearts and our lives to God. It opens us to his love. Prayer allows to place everything, from what is happening in our lives, to what is happening throughout the world, into God's hands and trust in His loving Providence. Rather than panic, despair, and anxiety, prayer helps us to stay close the Lord who calms us, gives us hope, speaks to worries and concerns.
Being faithful to prayer - or even developing a life of prayer - can be a source of great peace in these uncertain times. Prayer opens our hearts and our lives to God. It opens us to his love. Prayer allows to place everything, from what is happening in our lives, to what is happening throughout the world, into God's hands and trust in His loving Providence. Rather than panic, despair, and anxiety, prayer helps us to stay close the Lord who calms us, gives us hope, speaks to worries and concerns.
In the coming weeks, we are all going to have to get used to new routines and restrictions again as we begin the second lockdown. But, let's keep praying for each other. I pray that the journey we make together in the month ahead will enable each of us to have a greater heart for Jesus, for His Church and for His mission.
I am sorry to say, that the result of lockdown will mean that our churches will close for public worship (Holy Mass) from 00:01 GMT on Thursday 5th November, but we will remain open for private prayer. Unlike the last time, this time we are ready. We have the livestream camera set up, and we hope to have this on 24 hours for you to 'pay a virtual visit' to the church at any time of the day - not just when Holy Mass is being celebrated privately by Fr Craig. We look forward welcoming back our online community who have gone back to their own parishes since churches reopened. We have a wonderful team of Stewards who will be continuing to help us pray safely over the course of the coming month (and months). |
Holy mass |
PRIvate Prayer |
Holy Mass will be streamed from St Christopher's :
Sunday 9.15 a.m. Monday 9.30 a.m. 6.00 - 7.00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday 9.30 a.m. Wednesday No streamed Mass Thursday 7.00 p.m. Friday 9.30 a.m. Saturday 9.30 a.m. Sacrament of reconciliationConfession is still available by appointment. Please contact Fr Craig if you would like this Sacrament.
St Thomas of Canterbury, Tettenhall will be open for Private Prayer :
EVERY SUNDAY - 11.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon St Christopher, Codsall will be open for Private Prayer : EVERY MONDAY - 6.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. During these times, the Blessed Sacrament will be Exposed on the Altar for you to pray silently. Sacrament of baptismWe are currently unable to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, but please get in touch if you would like more information.
RCIA / Journey in faith courseIt is our intention to continue our weekly sessions on the internet for those preparing to enter the Catholic Church.
...let's keep praying for each other in the days ahead. We also keep in our prayers those who are vulnerable or struggling to cope during these days of lockdown and we remember those who work tirelessly in healthcare settings at this time.